Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Solar Oven Is It Safe To Use Fiberglass Insulation In My Homemade Solar Oven?

Is it safe to use fiberglass insulation in my homemade solar oven? - solar oven

I am making a solar oven. The man with a big box outside and a small box inside. Usually people invest a lot of shredding paper or newspaper between the fields for the insulation. I am using 40 pounds of paper, but I have a degree of protection left yellow fiberglass. Is it safe to use this feature?

1 comment:

  1. Marketing Rule BreakerJanuary 9, 2010 at 1:46 PM

    If using fiberglass, want to something for so long, fiber-fiber type, are the random orientation by a thermo-stable fixation of the resin used attached. This is just a tight fit. Therefore, there is no danger of collapse. Disregard of the resin starts to burn from 1200 degrees, but the glass fibers remain in force.

    If the structure of the regular guides, yellow or pink for your walls, short fibers, good, and the risk that the restriction of certain tempurature and thus decrease in glass fibers.

    I like the idea that the document presented by Mother Nature News paper and baking powder, but the problem is that 40 kilos of paper.
