Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nordic Track Elliptical Power Cord Is The Nordic Track CX 925 Elliptical Able To Us A Power Adapter?

Is the Nordic Track CX 925 elliptical able to us a power adapter? - nordic track elliptical power cord

I've recently bought a machine, NordicTrack CX 925 elliptical. I am free to move someone, do not use the machine again, wanted to get rid of him. There is no manual or the AC adapter not. I see an exit to an adapter seems to have. If so, everyone knows what power or the size you need? Also anyone know where can I get one?

1 comment:

  1. If it were me, I would be the Nordic Track website. I'm sure they sell accessories online, or at least a list of outlets.

    Being a cheap bastard, you're likely to voltage, current, and the characteristics of the polarity of the page and you get a generic replacement somewhere like Fry's or wallyworld.

    No, I will not be found on the website of the northern route for you.
