Sunday, February 14, 2010

Split Annuity Agreed To Split Money Based On A False Testimony.?

Agreed to split money based on a false testimony.? - split annuity

My grandmother passed away, and my father is the executor of the estate only. He told me, she gave me everything in terms of mutual funds, annuities, and he has only 40 percent of the home. I pitied him and gave him 40 percent of the population, but only by me not to him, give him. In fact, Ameriprise just a question of money, which is designated by the recipient. I asked the Attorney's Office to sign a legal agreement, and I said I would do nothing legally, only verbally, because I know all the details and sign a personal attorney, as this Agreement. Then I learned that I get some of the stocks and bonds is not enough to satisfy. He is jealous that I do more, and checks are sent. He said thatI decided the stock and bond markets, money split with him before the lawyer and would sue me if they do not respect the treaty. He has lied, what he has done, plus he has not signed any agreement.


  1. Tell him to leave, and bent to pursue him. Greedy bastard never spend money.

  2. How could he not understand how to create a question to answer you: hire a lawyer.

  3. Get an attorney to represent their interests.

    In the meantime, if you see something that you want, you can buy it. Sotcks and bonds are highly liquid assets.

  4. Oral contracts are valid only for amounts under $ 500. In addition, a valid contract, both sides must give something. That does not sound like his father in law was a valid contract agreement.

    However, it seems that your father has more problems to solve. $ This is not as important as the family, and they should understand that.

  5. Do not worry.

    First, the oral presentation of whatever it was, on a misconception based on the distribution of it. If he had signed an agreement based on them, the operation was zero.

    Secondly, an agreement, no contract, no solution, because it does not seem controversial. As such it is unenforceable, if not write it.

    Do not threaten to sue you, like most lawyers would realize what a loser would be the case.
