Monday, February 15, 2010

Dementia Treatment More Condition_symptoms Is It Time To Get Rid Of NICE The Body That Decides What Treatments Are Available To NHS Patients?

Is it time to get rid of NICE the body that decides what treatments are available to NHS patients? - dementia treatment more condition_symptoms

These people make decisions more and more absurd, the only short-term costs. Aricep not the people in the early stages of Alzeimers has no basis in fact, the cost of NHS treatment of patients with dementia greater. Now I have medical stents used in arteries, several thousand, the cost for the treatment of heart disease. Then there is the decision to condemn not support evil people with macular degeneration people to unnecessary blindness. Caring for the elderly blind, and will further increase the burden on carers and the NHS. Your choices are meaningless and against the views and seek medical advice. I tell them lets go and have to be a board of people with medical training is to treat problems and to understand - what do you think?


  1. I fully agree with you, some of these decisions are inhuman. Much better to treatment based on an informed decision and not the cost and false economy.

  2. sounds bad, and you are probebly right, no idea
    higher in the heights of the people who dosent have to get rid of.

  3. Probably not, but it is time to stop wasting money to change for the NHS BSP generation to the design therapy several health tourism (we paid abroad, he was also here) but who is not working here for over 2 years should no access to the NHS) for a map with details (eg driver's license, which could be considered by those who should be tested to show the doc or the reception desk that is hospital insurance, national paid, etc.. If you do not pay, you can not benefit out.
    NHS should pay for the primary health care, not the lifestyle choice.

  4. I must say I am a little confused.

    I thought that recent governments have created a single market and locate structures so that PCTs and I, that could make all the difficult decisions the balance on the clinical and economic pressures, and decisions are sometimes very difficult for a health service have all the latest and most expensive drug treatments are not only affordable.

    What does NICE say that the treatment is not TCP X can offer?

    Looks like we are, instead of the health system more localized and manageable level of control and more bureaucracy.

    Nice one, Governor HM
