Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Business Mobile Tariffs Mobile Phones?

Mobile Phones? - business mobile tariffs

I am a little old and new, the matter of mobile phones. I signed a contract for 12 months 6 months T-Mobile. I get 60 minutes of free calls to landlines for one month, I can the following month. Text messaging costs 8p. Currently I pay $ 20 a month for this service.

Since I'm new to this phone call, do you think is a good deal? If not, I can to another supplier / store? I'll wait until my contract is 12 months, before making a decision?

If you decide to go with another network, or other taxes, would be able to keep the same phone to njmber. If you can keep the same number, this can get to problems in connection with all my friends / colleagues / family etc. to give them the new number.

How do you assess the best approach.

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